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Refer a Friend


We'll get some basic information out to your friend right away and let them know that we're sending it at your suggestion.


Just tell us their e-mail or postal address. (Rest assured, we never sell or provide this information to others.)


We appreciate your referral.



Refer a Friend Form


Your Name (Required) (So we can tell your friend who requested that we send info.)

Your Friend's E-mail

Optional: Your E-mail (So we can send you a copy.)

Nearest city to your friend

- Or -

Your Friend's Name


City State Zip


Please tell us a little about your friend to help us send the most relevant information to them.

They're engaged. Wedding Date, if any (MM/DD/YY)

They're considering becoming engaged.

They're newlyweds (married less than one year). Approximate Wedding Month/Year (MM/YY)

Marriage renewal / rescue (married more than one year).

Other, please specify:

Any other information, questions or comments




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